IVSA Conference 2023: Call For Papers

IVSA CONFERENCE 2023, June 27-29, 2023, Nairobi, Kenya

International Visual Sociology Association: Conference 2023


The 2023 International Visual Sociology Association Annual Conference invites abstracts for papers, films, photo essays, posters and workshops that promise to engage meaningful dialogue about the current status of visual sociology.  As we excitedly return to an in-person conference, we invite submissions that consider places/spaces, considering visual sociology in local and global contexts through an open exchange of scholarship and creative works. IVSA continues to encourage papers, films, photo essays, posters and workshops that examine society and culture from various disciplines and perspectives, and we welcome abstracts that address topics relating to visual theories and methods. Proposals need not specifically address the theme of the conference.

The 2023 IVSA conference is hosted by the Multimedia University south of Nairobi, Kenya, and will be entirely in person. (There will not be a hybrid option.)


All presenters should submit abstracts of no more than 250 words through the EasyChair conference management system. Prior to submitting, you will need to create an EasyChair account if you do not already have one. The submission deadline is January 9, 2023.

Abstracts submitted through EasyChair must include the following:
  • Title of presentation
  • Name of presenter(s) as it will appear in the program
  • Organization/Affiliation of presenter(s)
  • Email address of presenter(s)
  • Type of submission (paper, film, poster, workshop etc.) at the top of the abstract
  • Abstract text (250 words, maximum)
  • Keywords (three or four)
  • Filmmakers should include a link to their film file within their abstract (and a password to access, if protected)
All submissions, regardless of their central medium (text, film/video, photography, illustration, web-/app-based, etc.) will be evaluated on their scholarly, artistic and scientific-analytic merit.

All conference presenters and attendees must be members of the IVSA. Participants can only be a lead author on one presentation. In the case of multiple authored papers, all authors must be members of the IVSA and pay conference fees to be listed on the program.

The Conference Committee will select submissions for inclusion in panel and poster sessions. Video- and film-based presentations may include works-in-progress as part of panel presentations, in addition to screening completed works. Abstracts for these works should be submitted in the same manner as paper presentations with the expectation that screened excerpts will be included in the presentation. Completed films can be entered into the peer-reviewed film stream, which screens films. (Filmmakers should include a link to their file (along with the password, if protected) within their abstract.)

The Conference Committee will also evaluate and select workshops during the conference. Workshops at previous IVSA conferences have included on-site photo and film assignments and editing workshops. Workshops normally take place during the three days of the conference, and can include include a one- to two-hour session on the first day, and session on the final day for participants to present their work.
Submit via Easychair
If you have any questions, please email the conference team: ivsaconference2023@gmail.com

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Alain Bouldoires (15 décembre 2022). IVSA Conference 2023: Call For Papers. Carnet des méthodes visuelles. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mdqf

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